TurboCAD Deluxe is a software program for users of Windows operating systems who may be architects, designers, illustrators, engineers etc., who require a program that gives them unlimited design options with professional tools they can use to create 2D technical, artistic, and mechanical drawings with which they can create 3D models.
With TurboCAD Deluxe, architects can design floor plans, decks, extra rooms, staircases etc., and then render them into photo realistic 3D spaces. The program features self healing 2D and 3D walls which join and intersect automatically, and wall openings for doors and windows such as slide doors, arches etc., with linked 2D and 3D views to represent accuracy. Window and door dimensions can be scaled to meet the needs of the user. Users fractions can be displayed according to the users personal preferences ond a Point Marker Tool for creating legends, adding notes or mapping points is also available.
Plan your building and furnishing projects on your PC withAshampoo 3D CAD Pro 3.
You can convert DWG, DXF, DWF to BMP, JPG, JPEG, GIF, TIFF, PNG abd TGA files.
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